What is the difference between cannabis, CBD, and Delta-8? Why is it important to realize their differences? And what is hemp?
Hemp is a plant that can be grown and used as a tool for various products. Hemp can be utilized in common products like food, animal feed, rope, paper, clothing, insulation, paint, and other products. Hemp can be smoked legally in Florida if the product contains less than 0.3% THC. To be explained more in the following paragraphs, when users smoke hemp with a high THC content, referred to as cannabis, they are able to experience the popularized "high" associated with hemp. If a hemp product has <0.3% THC and a majority of CBD content, it will not give users a high, but instead will potentially aid certain physical or mental unwellness.
In Florida, cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD), and delta-8 are legal at different capacities. This is because they are vastly different in their effects. While cannabis is legal for medical use for specific cases, CBD is sold in shops. Additionally, delta-8 is an increasingly popular part of THC that is not part of regulations in Congress’ address on marijuana in 2018.
Cannabis refers specifically to products with more THC than CBD. Often, while under the influence of cannabis, an individual feels a “high” from the THC. Dopamine is released into the brain, generally causing a euphoric feeling. For more information, including the difference between CBD and THC, visit here. Hemp doesn’t produce the high due to containing more CBD. Hemp is legal with tight regulations. Visit this website to learn more about FDA regulations.
Cannabis can be prescribed to individuals in Florida with specific life-altering conditions including cancer, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, anemia, Parkinson’s disease, certain mental disorders, and other conditions depending on where you live.
When under the influence, people can also experience paranoid thinking or auditory and visual hallucinations. Many negative connotations with cannabis derive from its effect on the mind when used. Aside from legal repercussions— possession of 20 grams or less usually constitutes a misdemeanor with some exceptions and over 20 grams a felony and driving with cannabis in one’s system is a DUI— there can be adverse effects on the brain.
Users of cannabis can also become addicted. While there is no physical addiction comparable to a cigarette user feeling irritable if they don’t have nicotine or an avid coffee drinker suffering a headache if they don’t have caffeine, cannabis can become psychologically addicting. This happens so frequently that there is a name for it: Cannabis Use Disorder.
CBD is derived from cannabis. It is entirely different from cannabis in its effects on those who ingest it. What makes it unique is that is does not produce the high that cannabis is known for. CBD can be used to relieve chronic pain and anxiety among other things. Essentially, hemp-derived CBD is legal. CBD derived from cannabis is illegal.
Delta-8 refers to a part of hemp that is not illegal. Delta-8 utilizes THC and is able to produce the high that cannabis enthusiasts are often invested in. Delta-8 is different from the typical high achieved by cannabis users.
Delta-8 can mimic the high felt in delta-9 and it is becoming increasingly popular amongst marijuana enthusiasts. Isomerization is a chemical process that transforms molecules to different chemical structures. Through isomerization, THC with delta-8 capable of producing highs can be made from converted CBD or delta-9 CBD.
Delta-8 does not exist naturally in the amounts produced by marketed delta-8 products. Delta-9 is specifically, a compound derived from cannabis plants. Delta-9 is known as the main factor in cannabis to the “high” felt by users. For more in-depth information regarding Delta-8, visit here.
If you have questions regarding amendments to your company's drug-free workplace campaign or are interested in learning more about the regulations and rules regarding medical cannabis, please visit our contact page.